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Terms & Condition || Refund Policy

You acknowledge that before paying the course fee you have read and understood the Terms & Condition, accept the terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by them if you have paid the course fee. 

The relevant Price must be paid by you in full via the secure payment gateway facilities accessible via our website: https://vijaykaushik.co.in/  and will be subject to any terms and conditions of the payment of the service providers. That access to no workshop i.e physical/online shall be granted Prior to registration and payment in advance.

Refund Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation of your subscription to the training program and the registration fee deposited will not be refunded unless the Moneyback Policy is applicable to the concerned program enrolled. To avail of the “Money Back Offer,” one has to follow the required procedure as follows:

Refund Policy & Cancellation Policy:

1. Refund Policy & Cancellation is only applicable for the "Think & Grow Like An HNI" product. "Achieve Your HNI Status" and "Achieve HNI Status With Mentorship" are not eligible for a refund.
2. If you are not satisfied after attending the first session of the "Think & Grow Like An HNI" program, you can request a cancellation of your subscription to the training program and a refund within 24 hours after attending the first session.
3. Refunds must be requested within 24 hours of attending the first session of "Think & Grow Like An HNI" and provided that you have not attended any subsequent sessions.4. Kindly allow us 30 days to process your refund.
5. Kindly provide the payment receipt/bill and your bank details with the refund request.
6. Kindly email your refund request to vijaykaushik16@gmail.com.
The fees cannot be transferred to any other program or person. The registration is once done, cannot be canceled.
Carry forward: 

shall be protected by encryption technology. We have partnered with secure payment gateways i.e., Instamojo, Razorpay, CCAvenue, PAYTM, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, PhonePe Etc. The Website cannot interfere and does not interfere with the payment gateway mechanism/tools/application. The Website has no access to the information that you may enter for making the payment through the payment gateway. Your transaction and banking details or other information as required for internet banking or other payment instruments are held by our Payment Gateway partner. By creating a link to a payment gateway, we do not endorse the payment gateway, nor are we liable for any failure of products or services offered by such a payment gateway. Such a payment gateway may have a privacy policy different from ours. All failures/errors/omissions of the payment gateway shall be solely on the payment gateway. You hereby consent that you shall not hold accountable the Website for any disputes that you may have with the payment gateway for any wrongdoing of the payment gateway.

About Vijay Kaushik

I Am Vijay Kaushik -Wealth  
Coach For Ambitious HNI &
For The Last 20 Years, I’ve
 Worked With Many Aspiring Wealth
 Builders To Actually Transform
 Them To HNIs.

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